There are moments when speaking with dad that what he says is down right accurate. He will seem to be sharp and catches on to innuendos and you think,"Is he getting better?" Then, in a matter of seconds, you realize the condition is, in fact, getting worse.
This morning, 12:15 a.m. to be exact, I was awakened from my 45 minutes of sleep to hear dad in the dining room. I got up to check on him and asked him what was going on. He said, "Someone called me to breakfast." Half awake, I responded with, "Breakfast won't be ready for another 10 hours." Then I had to go to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Shelley tried to get him back to bed and he resisted. He didn't want to take of his coat, cap, and shoes. He finally got back to sleep and just a few minutes ago he got up and does not remember a thing.
Does anyone know where I can buy patience pills?
Here is a couple of current photos of dad sitting on our front porch after having his hair cut.
I think he likes having his picture taken!
On another sad note, Shelley and I wish to express our sympathy to Aunt Becky and family for the loss of Gene, her husband. We love you.