Monday, November 21, 2011

Enjoying a Feast with Dad at Pine Ridge Care Center

On Sunday, November 20, 2011 the Pine Ridge Care Center, Dad's home, invited the families of all their residents for a special feast.

The staff and their families made the entire feast enjoyable for all by serving everyone and making sure all were having a great time.

Here is a short video where a violinist is playing a familiar tune (especially for all my Texas family and friends) and shows Dad making his entrance. When the video begins to wave a bit it is because Dad is hugging me.

Here are some photos of the event:
Shelley, me & Dad.

Shelley, Dad's CNA, & Dad.

Waiting for the word to begin serving!

Dad digs into his meal.

See the sparkling cider on the left? Dad had 6 glasses!

One of the nurses that takes care of Dad.

Staff getting ready to serve.

Getting ready.

Ed, Dad's roommate.

The Executive Director standing behind two residents.

Kelli, the Social Services Director, and her son getting ready to serve everyone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Visit for a Smile or a Laugh: Well Worth the Effort

It is not easy to visit a nursing home when your parents are residents for the long term. It's heartbreaking to watch them forget all that was once their treasure chest of precious memories of a life long lived. It is also very depressing to think about their future as we know how it ends. But, that is the reality of life...

...Yet with all the sadness there are moments of happiness. Since they live in the moment, whatever we do with them at the time is all that matters. To tell them a story or a joke, to see them smile or hear them laugh out loud, well that's what it is all about. They may be confused, lost, and sad but when we are with them, at that moment in time, they know you are family and you care and that makes every visit well worth the effort.

Our visit with Dad on November 14, 2011
A smile for the family 

Shelley & Dad

Me & Dad

Shelley talking to the birds