Here are some of my journal entries since my last post:
June 1: Dad's was not in a good mood when we arrived and he stayed that way throughout our visit. He was upset that I took is his picture. I called Joyce and he started to weep. He kept closing his eyes, I thinks he wants us to go away.
June 12: We arrived around 5:30 p.m., just before his dinner arrived. I didn't get a welcoming smile, just a mean, serious stare. I just talked to him as if we'd been talking all day. We help him with his dinner and leave..."Be careful" he says.
June 19: Today Dad turned 85 and I stopped by to see him before leaving for Portland, Oregon. It is very early in the morning and Dad is sleeping. I just watch him, give him a kiss and leave.
July 9: Had a great visit with Dad. When Shelley entered the room he greeted her as "mija." He was very talkative too. I called Aunt Noemi (his sister) and they spoke and cried. This was an "as good as it gets visit!"
Such is life with Dad these days and I'm happy that I still have him!
Here is a short video of Dad's early life and later years: