Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ups & Downs with Dad

I have been blogging about my Dad’s struggle with Alzheimer’s for four years now. My primary objective for the blog is to keep friends and family informed. However, over the past four years the blog has revealed a pattern of ups and downs (versus a pattern of steady decline).

This patter of ups and downs can be deceiving. We know there is no cure for Alzheimer’s yet this pattern of ups and downs gives us a glimmer of hope. There are days when he seems coherent and can carry a conversation (a definite up) but you can walk out the door and return in a few minutes and he has no recollection of your being there already (a downer).

The same pattern is revealed in his health. Back in June, Dad had an infection on his toe, which caused great concern. If the infection didn’t clear up there was a possibility of an amputation especially since there is poor circulation in his foot and leg. The doctor put him on antibiotics for 14 days. If the infection did not clear up after 14 days then we would have been faced with the decision of the amputation. All things considering, the situation did not look good.

Then after the 14 days of his taking the antibiotics showed the infection had gotten under control and now he is doing much better. His toe is still kept in a dry bandage as a scab has formed and should drop off soon; a good sign that the toe is healing.

Visiting Dad also demonstrates the ups and downs. Usually he’s sleeping when we arrive, regardless of the time of day. Some days he is dressed and sitting in his wheelchair. One visit in July had Dad in a very bad mood, so bad that the visit only lasted about 5 minutes. It was very depressing.

Recently, however, Dad was in a good mood on a special day when Bruce, his “middle child,” came for a visit from Southern California with his wife Bonnie, her sister Sheryl and husband Paul.

During the visit, Bruce and I attempted to call Joyce but she didn’t answer. As siblings do, we wanted to play a trick on her by having Bruce call instead of me as she expects. Well, after two attempts by Bruce and one by me, we realized we didn’t a message. When she finally checked her phone and saw missed calls from both her brothers, well, yes, she panicked. After reassuring her all was well she spoke with Dad.
Bruce's visit with Dad on August 9, 2014.
Yesterday was the regular Care Meeting at the nursing home where the staff gives the family an official update on Dad’s condition. Shelley and I were unable to attend but Tabitha and Venice attended. Tabitha then recapped the meeting for me saying that Dad’s weight is holding steady at 132 lbs, he is eating well (approximately 75% of his food), he usually eats breakfast in bed but then has lunch and dinner in the dining room.

So the pattern of ups and downs continues. Till next time!