Today I turned a 104. How did I advance in age so quickly? Well, here's what happened, today being Monday is a visit to Primrose day for Dad. During our drive to Primrose, Dad was very quiet, looking out the window and trying to make sense of things. When we arrived at the Primrose parking lot, he looked at the building and recognized where he was and that's a good thing. We took our usual walk to the building where he stays during his visit there.
As we entered the building, we walked to the kitchen where the Director and an other employee were doing some work. They looked at Dad and give him his usual welcome, "Hi Dave! How are you?" Dad similes and asks, "Have you met my Dad?" And he looks over to me. For a split second everyone assess to see if he's joking or serious. It is very clear from his body language that he is serious. The Director responses to Dad with a big simile and says, "Why yes, we've met." And Dad says, "Oh, good." And he goes and takes his place with the others. Those of you who know my Dad well, know when he is serious and when he's joking. He was serious this morning.
So that's how I aged to 104 today, the age my grandfather would have been if he were still alive. It's not fun getting old...
Dad's Parents (He keeps this photo in his wallet) |