Friday, January 20, 2012

Dad Says, "Thank You God."

When I visited Dad yesterday, he was asleep when I entered his room. So I stood there and watched him sleep and slowly his eyes opened up and he softly said, "Thank you God."

I asked him what he was thanking God for and he said, "That you came to see me." I smiled and we started talking, well, I asked leading questions to get him to talk. Then he said, "Help me God." I asked him what he needed God to help him with and he said, "Everything."

For the last few weeks Dad is eating less and less. He is just not interested in eating or he'll say nothing tastes right and won't eat. I scheduled yesterday's visit to be there when lunch is served so I could encourage or help him eat. He only ate three small bites the grilled fish, two bites of the noodles, and two bites of the sweetened chopped apple. He did, however, drink 90% of the milk. The nurse said they were waiting for a doctor's order to give him an appetite stimulant to see that that might help him eat more.

Dad is also undergoing some blood and urinalysis tests to see what else might be going on. I should have the results in a couple of days.

During my visit I made a short video of Dad greeting his family. You might have to turn up the volume as he speaks softly and there is a lot of background noise.

 Thanks for reading and watching!


  1. Jay, I've been following your blog since you first started it.I haven't made any comments before because I feel like I'm just an outsider looking in. When I was on the inside(married to your uncle Joe), your Dad,and everyone else, was so good to me.I was very touched by the video and wanted to thank you for this blog that, for me,is the only way I can know how things are going with him.God bless you and your Dad and hold him in His loving care.

    1. Dear Aunt Diana,
      What I love about Facebook is the family networking aspect. Our family has grown and extended around the globe. So thanks for following the blog and I believe once family, always family!

  2. I watch Dad and feel that he knows that you are there and that you love him. He is thanking God for a Son who will not abandon him. He doesn't remember a Lot but I know he Remembers You. He is always thankful to God when you visit and I know you would visit more if you could. Our circumstances are such that we are unable to see Dad everyday. All of us do what we can, at least that is what I hope. I love you because you are not a quitter, you do not give up on your loved ones when they can't live up to some expectations set by this system. Dad was and still is a vital part of your life, our life. We want him to be as happy and cared for now as he cared for you when you were a child. Not perfectly but the best he could and now you do your best to care for him. It is something I too Thank Jehovah God for. In caring for Dad you demonstrate the commitment you have to all your loved ones. Love you always honey and I too Thank Jehovah for your being in my life.

  3. Hi, Jay and Shelley! I wish we had started a blog showing the steps of Alzheimer with Vicki. The last time Richard and I went to visit mom, she did not recognize me. She did however, recognized Richard. Somehow, he always manages to make her laugh. After a while she started to warm up to me. I don't know if it was because she recognized me or that she realized I was not leaving. We miss her and the way she was so full of wisdom and love for us. I love the way you are with your dad, alway there for him. Vicki does not talk anymore, she does mumble, incoherently. I pray that she knows that we love her and will always be there for her.
