Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fading Memories

One of the benefits of aging is having collected a lifetime of wonderful memories that make us smile or laugh at the things we no longer do. However, as we age our memories begin to fade or they just don't come to mind as they once did. Fading memories accelerate when a loved one is in the grips of Alzheimer's. Witnessing a loved one's memories fade is tragic and sobering. We realize it could happen to us.

Here are some of my Dad's memories of times gone by:

My Dad with his parents walking in downtown San Antonio, Texas in the late 1930s.

Here is a photo of Dad taken in 1968 when he played for the San Antonians,
a softball team that toured New Zealand in February of that year. 

Dad and Joyce. Can you tell what year it is by the hairstyles and glasses?
Dad had this studio photo taken in the early 80s.

Here is Dad today. His memories are the "here and now" with "bits and pieces" of the past.

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