Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sleeping by Day, Wandering by Night & Doing Fine

During my July visits with Dad, I have observed his continual memory decline but his overall physical health has improved. He is no longer in hospice care, he is eating more, and most importantly, he is drinking plenty of fluids.

It seems like every time I visited Dad in July he was in bed asleep, yet, according to the night time staff, Dad is awake at night and walks around.

During one of my visits when he was sleeping, I nudged him a little. He opened his eyes, smiled and said to me, “Hi dad.” Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Instead of trying to wake him, I just sat at the edge of his bed and watched him sleep, probably the same way he used to watch us when we were young children. It is moments like these when it becomes so overwhelming in realizing just how much has changed as we’ve grown older. In many ways, it has not been fun but it has provided the opportunity to appreciate life more.

I took Dad for his follow up visit with his neurologist this past Friday (July 27th). He answered a few of the memory test questions correctly, such as correctly stating the current month and season but he couldn’t answer any of the other questions posed. His doctor confirmed that he is in the late Alzheimer’s stage. However, as long as he continues to eat well and drink fluids, which will minimize any complications that could negatively affect his health, he should be just fine.
If I were to have taken a photo of Dad during my July visits,
most would look like this one!

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